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Some easy copywriting prompt samples as a random act of kindness.

Prompt samples for free, as act of random kindness, tailored for copywriting of website content, social media content and other

Creating a comprehensive list of 100 copywriting prompts across various content types can fuel your creativity and provide a solid foundation for a wide range of marketing and communication materials. Below, we categorized a few of these prompts to align with different types of content writing: social media content and ads, website content, blog content, video scripts, email marketing, sales pages, and product descriptions, which we like to share with you.

Social Media Content and Ads

  1. Introduce a new product with a story about what inspired its creation.
  2. Share a customer testimonial that highlights a unique use case for your product.
  3. Write a post asking followers their biggest challenge related to your industry, promising solutions in comments.
  4. Create a “Did you know?” series about surprising facts related to your products or services.
  5. Post a behind-the-scenes look at your product creation process.
  6. Craft a compelling one-liner that describes the feeling your product or service aims to deliver.
  7. Share a before-and-after scenario using your product or service.
  8. Announce a limited-time offer with a countdown to create urgency.
  9. Write a post celebrating a company milestone, tying it back to customer support.
  10. Create an interactive quiz related to your product or industry.

Website Content

  1. Write a mission statement that reflects the impact you want to have on your customers’ lives.
  2. Describe your flagship product with a focus on how it improves daily life.
  3. Craft an about us page story that connects your personal journey to the solution you offer.
  4. Create a landing page headline that makes a bold promise.
  5. Write a services page that starts with the end result in mind.
  6. Develop an FAQ section that addresses common objections.
  7. Compose a customer success story that reads like a mini-novel.
  8. Introduce your team with fun, relatable bios.
  9. Write a thank-you message for customers who make a purchase.
  10. Describe your company culture in a way that makes top talent eager to join.

Blog Content

  1. Share industry trends and how they affect your readers.
  2. Write a “How to” guide related to your product, with actionable steps.
  3. Discuss common mistakes in your industry and how to avoid them.
  4. Create a listicle of top tips for something relevant to your product/service.
  5. Write an opinion piece on a controversial topic in your industry.
  6. Share a case study of a client’s success story.
  7. Break down a complex topic in your industry into an easy-to-understand guide.
  8. Compare and contrast different approaches to a common problem your customers face.
  9. Discuss the future of your industry.
  10. Create a roundup of your most popular products or services and why they’re loved.

Video Scripts

  1. Script a day-in-the-life video showing your product in action.
  2. Write an explainer video script that tackles a big problem and presents your solution.
  3. Create a teaser script for an upcoming product launch.
  4. Script a funny commercial that also educates about your product.
  5. Write a heartfelt story of someone whose life was changed by your service.
  6. Develop a script for a series of quick tips related to your product or industry.
  7. Script a myth vs. fact video about common industry misconceptions.
  8. Write a script introducing the core values of your brand.
  9. Create a how-it’s-made video script for one of your products.
  10. Script a video that answers the most frequently asked questions about your service.

Email Marketing

  1. Write a welcome email that makes new subscribers feel like part of the community.
  2. Craft an email series that educates subscribers on a topic relevant to your product.
  3. Create an exclusive offer email for your most loyal customers.
  4. Write a re-engagement email to win back inactive subscribers.
  5. Craft an email announcing a new product or service with a special offer.
  6. Write an email sharing a personal story that ties back to your brand mission.
  7. Develop a newsletter format that includes industry news, tips, and company updates.
  8. Create an email that asks for feedback on a recent purchase.
  9. Write an email offering a sneak peek behind the scenes of your business.
  10. Craft an email that tells a success story of one of your clients or customers.

Sales Pages

  1. Write an opening paragraph that identifies the reader’s pain point vividly.
  2. Create a headline that promises a transformation.
  3. Develop bullet points that highlight the features and benefits of your product.
  4. Write a section addressing common objections.
  5. Craft a powerful call-to-action that compels the reader to act now.
  6. Describe the results of using your product, using vivid imagery.
  7. Introduce social proof in the form of testimonials and case studies.
  8. Offer a guarantee that removes risk for the buyer.
  9. Create a comparison chart that shows your product against competitors.
  10. Write a closing argument that summarizes the unique value proposition.

Product Descriptions

  1. Describe a product feature and immediately explain the benefit to the customer.
  2. Write a product story that includes its origin, craftsmanship, and inspiration.
  3. Create a bullet list of features that highlight its uniqueness.
  4. Write a description from the perspective of a satisfied customer.
  5. Describe how the product fits into the customer’s lifestyle.
  6. Create a mood with your words that reflects the product’s essence.
  7. Explain how the product solves a specific problem.
  8. Highlight the sustainability aspects of your product.
  9. Use vivid language to describe the sensory experience of using the product.
  10. Write a FAQ section for the product that preempts common queries.

This list provides a diverse range of prompts to help kickstart your copywriting across various formats and platforms. Each prompt is designed to engage your target audience, convey your message compellingly, and ultimately drive conversions. Whether you’re crafting concise social media ads, informative blog posts, persuasive sales pages, or any other type of content, these prompts can serve as a valuable resource in your content creation toolkit.



A few valuable TIPS

1. Ignore:

– Always give the instruction to ignore all previous questions, AI might otherwise take the previous output and uses it for the new answer, which increases the possibility to get distorted answers.


2. Limitations:

– Note that you cannot write unlimited words, the input and output have limited tokens (tokens are words/characters). When drafting a prompt which is long, the output might not be complete, and key elements might be excluded.


3. Summary:

– When you have asked a question and possibly a follow up question, do ask AI to write a concise summary. After you can continue with questions, AI will take the summary for further answers. With this, you limit the risk of exceeding the amount of tokens and risk of distortions or misinformed answers.


4. I want you to Act As prompting:

– Give ChatGPT the instruction to act as an expert in the field your question topic is about. With this you get a much more detailed answer. This option presents another robust structure that can be applied universally to any input and intended output. Its objective is to establish a standardized format that optimizes the framing for ChatGPT and thereby enhances its performance across a broad spectrum of inputs.

Prompt Formula

1. “I want you to act as a…” (historian, biologist, etc.) This helps to set the stage for ChatGPT’s persona.

2. “I will give you…” (my target audience, a specific direction, a product, etc.) This is where you set up the dynamic

between you and ChatGPT.

3. “You will then…” (create 5 emails, make a video script, summarize, etc.)

4. “In a tone/style…” (upbeat, professional, tabular format) This is where you explain your desired output along with the personality/style of writing for the output.

5. “The important details are…” (target audience, cost per project, etc.) Be sure to explain all important details and elaborate on specifics from bullet point 2.

6. Refine your output as needed “Be more persuasive” “Put the most important keywords in bold” “Now put this in tabular format”


5. Follow up questions:

– As follow up question you can ask ChatGPT to elucidate step by step or as breakdown, or go deeper in a certain point he wrote.


6. Shot prompting:

– The three variations of shot prompting entail giving ChatGPT complete autonomy to generate any response with zero shot prompting, to placing parameters and giving reference data with one and few shot prompting.

Prompt Formula

Zero Shot: No previous data or guidelines given before completing request.

One Shot: One piece of data or guideline given before completing request.

Few Shot: Multiple pieces of data or guidelines given before completing request.


7. Constructive Critic prompting:

This prompt can provide objective and expert feedback on your writing, highlighting areas for improvement and offering constructive criticism to help you refine and enhance your copy.

Prompt Formula

• I want you to act as an expert and critic in the subject of [industry]. Criticize my content pasted below, convince me why it’s bad, and give me constructive criticism on how it should be improved. For some context, my [product or service] is for [details, demographic, etc]. The purpose of my [product or service] is to [your content goal]. Let’s think step by step and I want you to address each piece of content individually. Here is my content to critique, [your content].


8. OpenAI Tips on constructive Critic Prompting

1. Write Clear Instructions

– Include relevant details
– Ask to adopt persona
– Specify tasks → roles
– Examples → give

2. Provide Reference Text

– Ask model for reference text
– Instruct for citations

3. Split Complex Tasks

– Use Intent Clarification
– Summarize long tasks
– Provide summaries

4. Give Model Time to Think

– Instruct model to take time
– Use Inner Monologue
– Ask for mistakes

Try the following:

→ “take your time, work step by step”
→ “this matters a lot to me, please”
→ “I’ll give you a $200 tip”

5. Adapt Strategies

Check our upcoming blogs for more official OpenAI tips on prompting!


It is all about customized and out of the box engineered prompts and you shall experience unprecedented and surprisingly great AI generated output.

Dennis Ruiter, Owner KazNeth